Carolina H. Merino

Pos-Doc Researcher

Carolina Hermida Merino is a postdoctoral researcher whose work is being developed under the aim of the project "Development of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids as solvents for specific delivery". Carolina joined the team in September of 2017 and has published one paper ever since. She has recently received a PhD grant on “Graphene Nanofluids, Viscoelastic and Thermophysical properties” from the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Vigo (July of 2017). This work was focussed on the production of stable and well-characterized nanofluids. She has also completed a MSc program in Physical Chemistry at the University of Vigo.


Supervised by Ana B. Pereiro and co-supervised by Manuel Martinez Piñeiro (University of Vigo) and João M.M. Araújo (FCT-NOVA).
