The scientific group directly supervised by Ana Pereiro, within the Alternative Fluids for Green Chemistry unit integrated in Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde (LAQV REQUIMTE, within the Research Group of Bio(chemical) Process Engineering) of NOVA University of Lisbon, is a multidisciplinary and hard working team that is continuously looking for new lines of investigation. The work of this team has been focussed on synthesis and thermodynamic behaviour; phase equilibria; solubility mechanism in water and other solvents; separation and purification processes; drug delivery systems; characterization of self-aggregation behaviour; structures and surface properties of surfactant compounds; extraction processes; and modelling and simulation; fluorinated compounds with environmental and economic sustainability; technology and knowledge transfer; awareness campaigns; circular economy. . Currently, all researchers and students have a significant participation on the scientific achievements within the following R&D Projects:
"KET4F-Gas - Environmental Impact Mitigation of Fluorinated Gases using Key Enabling Technologies”
Funds: Interreg Sudoe (19 partners: 6 industrial partners, 6 academic institutions, 1 public administration, 1 European platform, 1 Environmental Federation, 1 NGO, 1 Innovation Cluster and 2 public foundations)
From: 2018 to: 2020; Amount: 1 742 800 €
Coordinators: Ana B. Pereiro Estévez e João M.M. Araújo
"Fluorinated Ionic Liquids: New Engineering Solvents for Separation Processes"
Funds: Concurso 2017, Chemical Engineering – Environmental Engineering. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Ref.: PTDC/EQU-EQU/29737/2017 From: 2018 to: 2021;
Amount: 239 922.12€
Principal Investigator: Ana B. Pereiro Estévez
"Design of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids as novel task-specific fluids"
Funds: Concurso 2014, Química e Engenharia Química - Engenharia de Produto. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Ref.: PTDC/QEQ-EPR/5841/2014 From: 2016 to: 2019;
Amount: 199 879€
Principal Investigator: Ana B. Pereiro Estévez
"Provision of services in order to provide a specific analysis of different samples"
Funds: Alfândega - AT Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Portuguese Public Entity)
From: 2018 to: 2019
Amount: 1 857 €
Main researcher: Ana B. Pereiro Estévez
"Bridging Nature-Inspired Ionic Fluids and Microfluidic Aqueous Biphasic Systems for the Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies"
Funds: Concurso 2014, Química e Engenharia Química - Engenharia de Produto. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Ref.: PTDC/QEQ-EPR/5841/2014 From: 2016 to: 2019; Amount: 199 879 €
Principal Investigator: João M. M. Araújo
Other important research projects related to this scientific group were:
“Development of New Artificial Blood Substitutes using Fluorinated Ionic Liquids"
Funds: Collaborative Projects TRANSBIO SUDOE between Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB, UNL), MATGAS 2000 (Technological Platform among: Carburos Metálicos-Air Products Group, the National Research Council of Spain and the Autonomous University of Barcelona) and University of Vigo (Spain).
From: March 2014 to: December 2014; Amount: 1 500 €
Coordinator: Ana B. Pereiro Estévez
"Development of New Oxygen Therapeutics using Fluorinated Ionic Liquids"
Funds: Concurso 2010 Engenharia Química - Fenómenos de Transporte e Termodinâmica. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Ref.: PTDC/EQU-FTT/118800/2010 From: 2012 to: 2015; Amount: 96 540 €
Principal Investigator: Ana B. Pereiro Estévez
"NMR Study of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium for Ternary Systems with Ionic Liquids"
Funds: Concurso Interno 2013, Físico-química - Líquidos Iónicos. Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia.
Ref.: FPI-11 v.01 From: 2013 to: 2014; Amount: 67 500 000 COP – Colombian Peso
Principal Investigator: Marlon Doney Martínez Reina
"Green Ionic Liquids: New Solutions for Old Engeneering Problems"
Funds: Concurso 2012 Engenharia Química - Fenómenos de Transporte e Termodinâmica. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Ref.: PTDC/QEQ-FTT/1686/2012 From: 2013 to: 2015; Amount: 150 939 €
Principal Investigator: Isabel M. Marrucho
"Playing with the ionic character of ionic liquids"
Funds: Concurso 2009 Engenharia Química - Fenómenos de Transporte e Termodinâmica. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Ref.: PTDC/EQU-FTT/116015/2009 From: 2011 to: 2014; Amount: 88 240 €
Principal Investigator: Luís P. N. Rebelo