Publications 2016

1. A. Ferraz, L. Carlyle, R. Macedo, "O Ensino da Pintura nas Academias de Belas Artes de Lisboa e Porto: Materiais e Técnicas (1836-1910)", In: M. J. Neto, M. Malta, M. (eds.) Coleções de Arte em Portugal e Brasil nos séculos XIX e XX. As Academias de Belas-Artes do Rio de Janeiro, Lisboa e do Porto, 1816-1836: Ensino, Artistas, Mecenas e ColeçõesCasal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio, 113-123.

2. A. Ferraz, "Os materiais da pintura a aguarela no século XIX e a coleção do Palácio Nacional da Ajuda", In: J. A. Ribeiro, (coord.) Um Olhar Real: obra artística da Rainha D. Maria Pia. Desenho, Aguarela e Fotografia. Catálogo da exposição na Galeria de Pintura do Rei D. Luís, Palácio Nacional da Ajuda. Lisboa: Palácio Nacional da Ajuda; Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 148-155.

3. A. Ferraz, L. Carlyle, R. Macedo, “The use of documentary sources for identifying suppliers of painting materials in 19th-century Portugal”, In: S. Eyb-Green, J. Townsend, K. Pilz, S. Kroustallis, I. van Leeuwen (eds.) Sources on Art Technology: Back to Basics, London: Archetype Publications, Proceeding from the 6th symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group Art Technological Source Research, 145-146.

4. A. Ferraz, L. Carlyle, R. Macedo, “How to become a painter in three hours': Artist's training in nineteenth century Portugal” In: A. Wallert, (ed.) Painting Techniques History, Materials and Studio Practice. 5th International Symposium, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 18-20 September 2013. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 237-242.

5. A. Machado, M. Vilarigues, "Cobalt blue - reproduction and characterisation of blue enamel recipes from The Handmaid to the Arts by Robert Dossie", Glass Technology - European Journal of Glass Science and Technology part A, 57, 131-140.

6. A. M. Cavero, M. A. Miranda, M. J. Melo, R. Castro, C. Casanova, “Beatus manuscripts under the microscope: the Alcobaça Beatus and the Iberian Cistercian tradition revisited”, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 8, 217-251.

7. A. Nogueira, I. Pires, R. Macedo, "Qual o futuro do Património Musical Contemporâneo? Estado do Pensamento e da Investigação", Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 3, 193-214.

8. A. Nogueira, R. Macedo, I. Pires, "Where contemporary art and contemporary music preservation practices meet. The case of Salt Itinerary", Studies in Conservation, 61, 153-59.

9. A. Padeiro, E. Amaro, M. M. C. Santos, M. F. Araújo, S. S. Gomes, M. Leppe, S. Verkulich, K. A. Hughes, H.-P. Ulrich, J. Canário, "Trace element contamination and availability in the Fildes Peninsula. King George Island, Antarctica", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 18, 648-657.

10. C. Barreira, M. J. Melo, R. Araújo, C. Casanova, "Through the eyes of Science and Art: a fourteenth-century winter Breviary from Alcobaça scriptorium", Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 8, 252-282.

11. C. Geraldes, A. M. Lima, J. D. Rodrigues, J. M. Mimoso, S. R. M. Pereira, “Geopolymers as potential repair material in tiles conservation”, Applied Physics A, 122:197.

12. C. Montagner, R. Jesus, N. Correia, M. Vilarigues, R. Macedo, M. J. Melo, “Features combination for art authentication studies: brushstroke and materials analysis of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75, 4039-4063.

13. C. Montagner, J. M. M. Linhares, M. Vilarigues, S. M. C. Nascimento, “Statistics of colors in paintings and natural scenes”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33, A170-A177.

14. E. Figueiredo, M. A. S. Pereira, F. Lopes, J. G. Marques, J. P. Santos, M. F. Araújo, R. J. C. Silva, J. C. Senna-Martinez, "Investigating Early/Middle Bronze Age copper and bronze axes by micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and neutron imaging techniques", Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 122, 15-22.

15. F. Berger, A. Machado, A. Rodrigues, M. Schedel, M. Vilarigues, “19th century stained-glass assemblage at the Great Hall of Pena National Palace”, XXVIIIe Colloque International du Corpus Vitrearum - Le vitrail dans la demeure, des origines à nos jours. Vitrer et orner la fenêtre, 60-63.

16. F. Carvalho, S. Coentro, I. Costeira, R. A. A. Trindade, L. C. Alves, R. C. da Silva, V. S. F. Muralha, "The Cistercian glazed tiles of the Monastery of Alcobaça: characterization of the colour palette", Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 8, 196-216.

17. F. P. Valente, I. Coutinho, T. Medici, C. Brain, M. Vilarigues, "A Group of Early English Lead Crystal Glass Goblets Found in Lisbon", Journal of Glass Studies, 58, 211-225.

18. H. Marçal, A. Nogueira, I. Pires, R. Macedo, "Connecting practices of preservation: exploring authenticities in collaborative performance-based artworks", In: E. Hermens, F. Robertson (eds.) Authenticity in Transition: Changing Practices in Contemporary Art Making and Conservation, London: Archetype.

19. I. Coutinho, T. Medici, S. Coentro, L. C. Alves, M. Vilarigues, "First archaeometric study on medieval glass found in Beja (Southern Portugal)”, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 8, 148-175.

20. I. Coutinho, F. Berger, A. Rodrigues, M. L. Coutinho, A. Machado, L. C. Alves, M. Vilarigues, “Fensterbierscheiben in the Pena National Palace collection - chemical and iconographic relations”, X-Ray Spectrometry, 45, 308-317.

21. I. Coutinho, T. Medici, L. C. Alves, B. Gratuze, M. Vilarigues, Provenance studies on façon-de-Venise glass excavated in Portugal”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 7, 437-448.

22. I. Coutinho, T. Medici, R. J. C. Silva, B. Gratuze, H. Catarino, A. Lima, “Gilding on glass: New evidence from a 17th century flask found in Portugal”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 293-301.

23. J. B. Oliveira, M. J. Melo, M. C. L. Casanova, “O uso de um código comum de cores em mapas militares pelos impérios coloniais francês, português e espanhol (sécs. XVII-XVIII) e a perda de informações: consequências da degradação documental”, In: M. G. Fernandes (coord.) Atas do VI Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Cartografia Histórica. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, p. 27-38.

24. M. Fernandes, S. Babo, M. F. Macedo, “Oil painting collection: risk assessment, evaluation and mitigation strategies”, International Journal of Conservation Science, 7, 395-414.

25. M. Fernandes, S. Babo, N. Prates, M. F. Macedo. “Conservação preventiva aplicada à coleção de pintura a óleo da Casa dos Patudos”, Conservar Património, 23, 133-139.

26. M. L. Coutinho, A. Z. Miller, P. M. Martin-Sanchez, J. Mirão, A. Gomez-Bolea, B. Machado-Moreira, L. C. Alves, V. Jurado, C. Saiz-Jimenez, A. Lima, A. J. L. Phillips, F. Pina, M. F. Macedo, “A multi-proxy approach to evaluate biocidal treatments on biodeteriorated majolica glazed tiles”, Environmental Microbiology, 18, 4794-4816.

27. M. L. Coutinho, J. P. Veiga, L. C. Alves, J. Mirão, L. Dias, A. M. Lima, V. S. Muralha, M. F. Macedo, “Characterization of the glaze and in-glaze pigments of the nineteenth-century relief tiles from the Pena National Palace, Sintra, Portugal”, Applied Physics A, 122:696.

28. M. L. Coutinho, A. Z. Miller, M. A. Rogerio-Candelera, J. Mirão, L. C. Alves, J. P. Veiga, H. Águas, S. Pereira, A. Lyubchyk, M. F. Macedo, “An integrated approach for assessing the bioreceptivity of glazed tiles to phototrophic microorganisms”, Biofouling, 32, 243-259.

29. M. J. Melo, R. Araújo, R. Castro, C. Casanova, "Colour degradation in medieval manuscripts", Microchemical Journal, 124, 837-844.

30. M. J. Melo, P. Nabais, M. Guimarães, R. Araújo, R. Castro, M. C. Oliveira, I. Whitworth, "Organic dyes in illuminated manuscripts: an unique cultural and historic record", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 374, 20160050.

31. M. J. Revez, J. D. Rodrigues, “Incompatibility risk assessment procedure for the cleaning of built heritage”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 18, 219-228.

32. P. Nabais, M. J. Melo, R. Castro, L. Sousa, G. Videira Lopes, "Singing with light: an interdisciplinary study on the medieval Ajuda Songbook", Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 8, 283-312.

33. R. Araújo, C. Casanova, A. Lemos, “Estudo das encadernações de dois livros de horas da BNP: o IL 15 e o IL 19”, In: C. F. Barreira (coord.) Luz, cor e ouro. Estudos sobre manuscritos iluminados. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, ISBN 978-972-565-600-6 (e-book).

34. R. Castro, M. J. Melo, A. Miranda, “O De Avibus de Alcobaça - uma cópia de Clairvaux?”, In: C. F. Barreira (coord.) Luz, cor e ouro. Estudos sobre manuscritos iluminados. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, ISBN 978-972-565-600-6 (e-book).

35. R. Castro, A. Miranda, M. J. Melo, "Interpreting lac dye in medieval written sources: new knowledge from the reconstruction of recipes relating to illuminations in Portuguese manuscripts", In: S. Eyb-Green, J. Townsend, K. Pilz, S. Kroustallis, I. van Leeuwen (eds.) Sources on Art Technology: Back to Basics, London: Archetype Publications, Proceeding from the 6th symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group Art Technological Source Research, 88-99.

36. S. F. Sá, J. L. Ferreira, A. S. Matos, R. Macedo, A. M. Ramos, "A new insight into polyurethane foam deterioration – the use of Raman microscopy for the evaluation of long-term storage conditions", Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 47, 1494-1504.

37. S. O. Sequeira, M. L. Coutinho, J. C. Lima, A. J. L. Phillips, M. F. Macedo, E. J. Cabrita, "4-MUF-NAG for fungal biomass determination: Scope and limitations in the context of biodeterioration studies", Journal of Cultural Heritage, 22, 992-998.

38. S. Sasso, A. Z. Miller, M. A. Rogerio-Candelera, B. Cubero, M. L. Coutinho, L. Scrano, S. A. Bufo, “Potential of natural biocides for biocontrolling phototrophic colonization on limestone”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 107, 102-110.

39. S. S. Gomes, M. F. Araújo, A. M. M. Soares, V. H. Correia, "Lead isotopes and elemental composition of Roman fistulae plumbeae aquariae from Conimbriga (Portugal) using quadrupole ICP-MS", Microchemical Journal, 129, 184-193.

40. S. S. Gomes, P. Valério, L. C. Alves, M. F. Araújo, A. M. M. Soares, V. H. Correia, "Tin determination in fistulae seals from Conimbriga and Augusta Emerita", Microchemical Journal, 124, 540-546.

41. T. Vitorino, M. J. Melo, L. Carlyle, V. Otero, "New insights into brazilwood manufacture through the use of historically accurate reconstructions", Studies in Conservation, 61, 255-273.

42. V. Otero, M. Vilarigues, L. Carlyle, M. J. Melo, “Winsor & Newton’s nineteenth century manufacture of yellow chromate-based pigments”, In: S. Eyb-Green, J. Townsend, K. Pilz, S. Kroustallis, I. van Leeuwen (eds.) Sources on Art Technology: Back to Basics, London: Archetype Publications, Proceeding from the 6th symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group Art Technological Source Research, 149-150.