Amanda Pinto

Research Summary

Belém, a city in the north of Brazil known for being the entrance of Amazonia, owns an important and varied collection of stained glass windows into its historical buildings. These windows came mainly from Europe and from southeast of the country and were produced from the late 19th c. to the beginning of the 21st c. However, due to degradation caused by exposure to environmental conditions, the lack of suitable conservation procedures and improper replacements and restorations, the collection is gradually disappearing. Consequently, a proper documentation of the collection has also become a challenge. The aim of this research is to understant how the weather conditions of Belém damaged 6 stained glass windows from different historical buildings and provenance in order to establish appropriate methods of restoration and ensure its conservation, while promoting the stained glass collection as an important part of Belem’s cultural heritage.

PhD Project Title: The weathering action on stained glass windows of historical buildings from Belém do Pará

Supervisor: Márcia Vilarigues (VICARTE, DCR FCT-UNL, Portugal)