Bruno Guerreiro

PhD Student


ResearcherID: P-8657-2017

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9091-7143

ResearchGate: Bruno_Guerreiro3

Lab. 407 – Chemistry Department,

Ph: +351 212 948 300, ext. 10947


Personal website: bmguerreiro


(2018) MSc in Biochemistry, FCT-UNL

(2016) BSc in Biochemistry, FCT-UNL

Research interests:

Polymer chemistry
Structural modelling
Deep learning

Main publications:

1. Guerreiro, B. M., Freitas, F., Lima, J. C., Silva, J. C., & Reis, M. A. M. (2021). Photoprotective effect of the fucose-containing polysaccharide FucoPol. Carbohydrate Polymers259, 117761.
2. Guerreiro, B. M., Freitas, F., Lima, J. C., Silva, J. C., Dionísio, M., & Reis, M. A. M. (2020). Demonstration of the cryoprotective properties of the fucose-containing polysaccharide FucoPol. Carbohydrate Polymers245, 116500.
3. Guerreiro, B. M., Freitas, F., Lima, J. C., Silva, J. C., & Reis, M. A. M. (2018). A novel polysaccharide-based approach for cryopreservation. Cryobiology85(2018), 125.