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Salvia, M, Simoes S, Fueyo N, Cosmi C, Papadopoulou K, Gouveia JP, et al.  2018.  The PrioritEE Approach to Reinforce the Capacities of Local Administrations in the Energy Management of Public Buildings. New Metropolitan Perspectives. ISHT 2018. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer. 101
Sebastian, R, Simoes SG.  2017.  Evaluating and mapping the energy efficiency potential in the Building sector of the Almada Municipality. Annual APEEN Conference. , Lisbon, Portugal. 9 May. ISCTE
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Dias L.  2013.   Renewable power cost supply curves (AIC) TIMES_PT: Portugal, 17 June. IRENA-ETSAP joint Session. , Paris, France
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Dias L.  2013.  Renewable Power Cost Supply Curves - TIMES_PT: Portugal, 17 June. IRENA-ETSAP Joint Session. , Paris, France: International Renewable Energy Agency – The Technology Systems Analysis Program
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Simões S, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  Greenhouse gas emissions cap: a new paradigm for energy dependence in the long term?, 19-23 June 34th IAEE International Conference - Institutions, Efficiency and Evolving Energy Technologies.. , Stockholm
Seixas, J.  2015.  Energy systems and the planetary boundaries: extending the capabilities of energy systems models, 19-22 May. EEM15. 12the International Conference on the European Energy Market. , Lisbon, Portugal
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Simões S, Gouveia JP.  2017.  Trajetórias de descarbonização e impactos na matriz energética [Pathways for the decarbonisation and impact in the energy matrix] , 14 December. Conferência A transição energética na Península Ibérica - Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Energia [Conference on the energy transition in the Iberian Peninsula of the APEEN – Portuguese Association for Energy Economy]. , ISCTE. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal: APEEN
Seixas, J, Simões S, Kanudia A, Gargiulo M, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Fortes P.  2011.  Electric Vehicles in the European Union: Conditions for Success, Impacts on the Power System and on CO2 Emissions, 6-8 July. IEW - International Energy Workshop 2011,. , Standford, USA.
Seixas, J, Simões S, Fortes P, Gouveia JP.  2017.  The pivotal role of electricity to the deep decarbonization of energy system: cost-effectiveness options for Portugal, 29-30 June. 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment. , Porto, Portugal: Faculty of Economics, University of Porto
Seixas, J.  2015.  Are hybrid models well equipped to assess resilience to external shocks? The case of energy and climate., 1 June INFER Workshop on Modelling Economic Resilience to External Shocks. , Business and Economics Department, University of the Azores. Ponta Delgada
Seixas, J, Simoes SG, Fortes P, Gouveia J.  2018.  The pivotal role of electricity in the deep decarbonization of energy system: cost-effective options for Portugal. Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2°C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development. (Giannakidis G., K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, B. Ó Gallachóir, Eds.).: Springer, Lecture Notes in Energy 64. Springer International publishing, Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74424-7
Seixas, J, Simões S, Dias L, Kanudia A, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2015.  Assessing the cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles in European countries using integrated modeling. Energy Policy. 80(May 2015):165-176. AbstractWebsite

Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered alternatives to internal combustion engines due to their energy efficiency and contribution to CO2 mitigation. The adoption of EVs depends on consumer preferences, including cost, social status and driving habits, although it is agreed that current and expected costs play a major role. We use a partial equilibrium model that minimizes total energy system costs to assess whether EVs can be a cost-effective option for the consumers of each EU27 member state up to 2050, focusing on the impact of different vehicle investment costs and CO2 mitigation targets. We found that for an EU-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction cap of 40% and 70% by 2050 vis-à-vis 1990 emissions, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are cost-effective in the EU only by 2030 and only if their costs are 30% lower than currently expected. At the EU level, vehicle costs and the capability to deliver both short- and long-distance mobility are the main drivers of BEV deployment. Other drivers include each state’s national mobility patterns and the cost-effectiveness of alternative mitigation options, both in the transport sector, such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) or biofuels, and in other sectors, such as renewable electricity.

Simões, S, Seixas J, Fortes P, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  The medium-term role of renewable energy sources in climate change mitigation in Portugal, 9-13 May. WREC 2011 - World Renewable Energy Congress 2011. , Linkoping, Sweded
Simoes, S, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, De Miglio R, A. C, M. G, Long G, Giannakidis G.  2018.  INSMART – Insights on integrated modelling of EU cities energy system transition. Energy Strategy Reviews. 20:150–155.
Simões, S, Zeyringer M, Mayr D, Schmidt J.  2017.  Impact of modelling geographical disaggregation of wind and PV electricity generation in large energy system models: a case study for Austria. Renewable Energy Journal. 105:183-198.
Simoes, SG, Mesnier C.  2018.  An overview of the Covenant of Mayors application in Portugal (in Portuguese).. Cities leading the Way to a Sustainable Future, , Torres Vedras, Portugal: Centro Pastoral de Torres Vedras
Simoes, S, Huppes G, Seixas J.  2015.  A Tangled Web: Assessing overlaps between energy and environmental policy instruments along the electricity supply chain. Environmental Policy and Governance.
Simoes, S, Fortes P, Dias L, Seixas J.  2015.  Assessing critical metal needs for a low carbon energy system in 2050, 19-22 May. EEM15. 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market. , Lisbon, Portugal
Simoes, SG, Marogna N, Fortes P.  2017.  Assessing water needs for power production in Iberian Peninsula at watershed level, 13 December. ETSAP Workshop on modelling the water-energy nexus. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Simões, S, Cleto J, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2009.  The Savings of Energy Saving: Quantifying interactions between energy supply and demand side policies for Portugal, 1-6 June. ECEEE - European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2009 Summer Study. , La Colle sur Loup. France
Simoes, SG, Halstead M, Selosse S, Assoumou E.  2017.  Enhancement of the ETSAP E-Techs Database with water consumption and withdrawal data, 13 December. ETSAP Workshop on modelling the water-energy nexus. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Simões, S, Dias L, Seixas J, Gouveia JP.  2016.  INSMART, 15 November . UERA Workshop on “Sustainable Smart Cities”. , Barcelona, Spain: Smart City Expo
Simões, S, Cleto J, Fortes P, Seixas J, Huppes G.  2008.  Cost of energy and environmental policy in Portuguese CO2 abatement—scenario analysis to 2020. Energy Policy. 36:3598–3611., Number 9 AbstractWebsite


Simoes, S, Nijs W, Ruiz P, Sgobbi A, Thiel C.  2017.  Comparing policy routes for low-carbon power technology deployment in EU – an energy system analysis. Energy Policy. 101:353–365.