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Gargiulo, M, Chiodi A, De Miglio R, Simoes S, Long G, Pollard M, Gouveia JP, Giannakidis G.  2017.  An Integrated Planning Framework for the Development of Sustainable and Resilient Cities - The Case of the InSMART Project. Procedia Engineering. 198:444-453.
Giannakidis, G, Gargiulo M, De Miglio R, Chiodi A, Seixas J, Simoes SG, Dias L, Gouveia J.  2018.  Challenges faced when addressing the role of cities towards a below 2-degree world. Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2°C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development. (Giannakidis G., K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, B. Ó Gallachóir, Eds.).: Lecture Notes in Energy 64. Springer International publishing. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74424-7
Glynn, J, Fortes P, Krook-Riekkola A, Labriet M, Vielle M, Kypreos S, Lehtilä A, Mischke P, Dai H, Gargiulo M, Helgesen PI, Kober T, Summerton P, Merven B, Selosse S, Karlsson K, Strachan N, ÓGallachóir B.  2015.  Economic Impacts of Future Changes in the Energy System—National Perspectives. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:359-387.: Springer International Publishing Abstract
Glynn, J, Fortes P, Krook-Riekkola A, Labriet M, Vielle M, Kypreos S, Lehtilä A, Mischke P, Dai H, Gargiulo M, Helgesen PI, Kober T, Summerton P, Merven B, Selosse S, Karlsson K, Strachan N, ÓGallachóir B.  2015.  Economic Impacts of Future Changes in the Energy System—Global Perspectives. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:333-358.: Springer International Publishing Abstract
Gouveia, JP, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2012.  Projections of energy services demand for residential buildings: Insights from a bottom-up methodology. Energy. 47:430–442., Number 1: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite


Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mestre A, Miguel L.  2016.   Intertwining sectoral electricity consumption profiles at city level, 19-22 June . 39th International Association for Energy Economics. , Bergen. Norway: Norwegian School of Economics
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mestre A.  2016.  Daily Electricity Profiles from Smart Meters - Proxies of Active Behaviour for Space Heating and Cooling, 8-9 September. BEHAVE 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency. , Coimbra, Portugal
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Simoes S.  2019.  Energy poverty vulnerability index: A multidimensional tool to identify hotspots for local action. . Energy Reports. 5:187-201.
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Unraveling electricity consumption profiles in households through clusters: Combining smart meters and door-to-door surveys. Energy and Buildings. 116:666–676. AbstractWebsite

Improvements of energy efficiency and reduction of Electricity Consumption (EC) could be pushed by increased knowledge on consumption profiles. This paper contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the EC profiles in a Southwest European city through the combination of high-resolution data from smart meters (daily electricity consumption) with door-to-door 110-question surveys for a sample of 265 households in the city of Évora, in Portugal. This analysis allowed to define ten power consumption clusters using Ward's method hierarchical clustering, corresponding to four distinct types of annual consumption profiles: U shape (sharp and soft), W shape and Flat. U shape pattern is the most common one, covering 77% of the sampled households.
The results show that three major groups of determinants characterize the electricity consumption segmentation: physical characteristics of a dwelling, especially year of construction and floor area; HVAC equipment and fireplaces ownership and use; and occupants’ profiles (mainly number and monthly income).
The combination of the daily EC data with qualitative door-to-door survey-based data proved to be a powerful data nutshell to distinguish groups of power consumers, allowing to derive insights to support DSOs, ESCOs, and retailers to design measures and instruments targeted to effective energy reduction (e.g. peak shaving, energy efficiency).

Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Long G.  2018.  Mining households' energy data to disclose fuel poverty: Lessons for Southern Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production. 178:534-550. AbstractWebsite

Fuel poverty is a recognized and increasing problem in several European countries. A growing body of literature covers this topic, but dedicated analysis for Portugal are scarce despite the high perception of this condition. This paper contributes to fill this knowledge gap focusing on a European southern city while bringing new datasets and analysis to the assessment of this topic; consumer groups identification and to policy discussion. Daily electricity smart meters' registries were combined with socio-economic data, collected from door-to-door surveys, to understand the extent and the determinants of energy consumption for two contrasting consumer groups (herein called fuel poverty and fuel obesity groups). The analysis is based on the amount and annual profile of electricity consumption and was complemented with building energy simulations for relevant building typologies in those groups, to identify heating and cooling thermal performance gaps. The existence of these gaps allowed confirming and/or discarding the initial hypothesis of the poverty or obesity conditions. Results disclose socio-economic variables, as income, and consumers' behavior as key determinants of electricity consumption. It was identified a severe lack of thermal comfort levels inside households of both groups, either in cooling (98% for fuel poverty and 87% for fuel obesity) and heating seasons (98% for fuel poverty and 94% for fuel obesity). Major conclusion refers that electricity consumption cannot be used alone to segment consumer groups. This assessment may serve to support energy policy measures and instruments targeted to different consumers' groups. For example, distinct campaigns and differentiated incentives may apply to achieve energy efficiency and reduction while keep or improve indoor comfort levels.

Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2012.  The Role of CCS in the Iberian Peninsula: Contribution for a regional roadmap, 9-12 September. 12th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  MAPPING RESIDENTIAL THERMAL COMFORT GAP AT VERY HIGH RESOLUTION SPATIAL SCALE: IMPLICATIONS FOR ENERGY POLICY DESIGN, 18-21 June . 40th International Association of Energy Economics International Conference, Meeting the Energy Demand of Emerging Economies. Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets. , Singapore
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Bilo N, Valentim A, Nunes V, Giannakidis G, Robinson D, Irons D, Gargiulo M.  2014.  Integrative Smart City Planning - Buildings and Mobility in Évora. 4th IAEE European Energy Conference - Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe. , LUISS University, Rome, Italy.
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2013.  Prospective scenarios for the adoption of CCS technologies in the Iberian Peninsula. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2:31–41. AbstractWebsite


Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Energy Use Equity: analysis from smart meters, surveys and energy simulations, 3-15 July. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society. , Lisbon, Portugal
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Shiming L, Bilo N, Valentim A.  2015.  Understanding electricity consumption patterns in households through data fusion of smart meters and door-to-door surveys, 1–6 June. eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency. , Club Belambra Les Criques, Presqu’île de Giens. Toulon/Hyères, France: ECEEE
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Tracking fuel poverty with smart meters: the case of Évora, 4-5 February. Energy Economics Iberian Conference. , ISEL, Lisbon
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Seixas J, Simoes S.  2017.  Mapping Residential Thermal Comfort Gap at very high resolution spatial scale: Implications for Energy Policy Design. 40th International Association of Energy Economics International Conference, Meeting the Energy Demand of Emerging Economies. Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets. , Singapore, 18-21 June
Gouveia, JP, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  Forecasting of Residential Energy Services Demand: The Portuguese Case for 2030, 25-28 August. International Conference IAEE - 11th IAEE European Conference Energy Economy, Policies and Supply Security: Surviving the Global Economic Crisis.. , Vilnius, Lithuania: International Association of Energy Economics
Gouveia, JP.  2012.  Forecasting energy for residential buildings: contributions from a bottom-up methodology of energy services demand, 22-24 March. Workshop on Energy and Society. , Lisbon, Portugal: Institute of Social Sciences (ICS-UL)
Gouveia, J.P., Dias L, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  INSMART – Integrative Energy Planning For Cities Low Carbon Futures: Analytical Framework, 8th February. 3rd Energy for Sustainability Conference. , Funchal, Portugal
Gouveia, JP, Dias L, Martins I, Seixas J.  2014.  Effects of renewables penetration on the security of Portuguese electricity supply. Applied Energy. 123:438–447. AbstractWebsite

The increase of renewables in power sector, together with the increase of their electricity share in final energy consumption, is changing our perception about energy security with diverse and contradictory statements. The Portuguese security of electricity supply is analyzed in this study by comparing selected indicators for 2. years before and after the high increase of onshore wind since 2005. Our goal is to find how the security of electricity supply was impacted by the penetration of renewables, taking a supply chain approach. Our analysis highlights that the penetration of renewables has decreased the energy dependence of the power sector by more than 20% between 2004 and 2011, while risks related to the concentration of natural gas suppliers and to the still-high share of fossil fuels suffering from price volatility are discussed. We observed a significant improvement in power interconnections with Spain, as well as an increase of the de-rated generation capacity margin, allowing proper management of renewable power intermittency if necessary, thereby improving power security. Although the share of intermittent renewables almost quadrupled in total installed capacity between those years, the indicators reveal an improvement in the quality of transport and distribution when delivering electricity to end-users. Although electricity prices increased, mainly due to taxes, the lack of energy efficiency is an aspect deserving improvement to alleviate the pressure on electricity security, mainly at high peak demands.

Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Fuel Poverty and Fuel Obesity: what smart meters tell us, 26-29 June . International Society for Ecological Economics Conference. , Washington D.C., USA
Gouveia, JP, Bilo N, Gargiulo M, Giannakidis G, Gregório V, Duncan I, Nunes V, Robinson D, Seixas J, Valentim A.  2014.  InSMART - Integrative Smart City Planning - The case of Households in Évora. Urban Futures Squaring Circles: Proceedings, International Conference on Urban Futures Squaring Circles 2050,. , Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Abstract

European policy has acknowledged the significance of local and regional communities for the
deployment of new low carbon technologies and their potential for sustainable energy production and use.
Several initiatives and programmes (e.g. Covenant of Mayors) have been set up to engage European cities in the
effort towards a low carbon future. At the same time, there is a critical need to improve comprehensive city
planning driven by an integrated approach and focused on cost benefit assessment towards sustainable energy
use. Hence, innovative tools and models to assess and perform in-depth analysis of the alternative measures
towards efficient energy use, will help pave the way to fully capture the potential of each city in the most
efficient (economically, socially and technically) way.
The InSMART concept brings together four European cities: Évora (Portugal), Cesena (Italy), Nottingham (UK)
and Trikala (Greece), and scientific organizations of these countries, to establish a methodology for enhancing
sustainable planning for city needs through an integrative and multidisciplinary planning approach, aiming to
developing detailed sustainable energy action plans. Such an approach will identify the optimum mix of short,
medium and long term projects and investments, addressing the efficiency of energy flows across various city
sectors with regards to economic, environmental and social criteria and will highlight priority actions.
Tools and models, like Geographic Information System, buildings models (CitySim and EnergyPlus) and
transport-based energy and carbon model, as well as a technological partial equilibrium energy model (TIMES),
are used to analyse, all the relevant sectors (buildings, industries, transports, waste and water management).
Furthermore, the cities buildings stocks are being characterized through an extensive 110-question survey
(around 410 door-to-door interviews) and will be modelled through a typology approach. Four hundred 20-
question surveys are also being carried out to evaluate transport and mobility patterns, supported on travel diaries and fulfilling different quotas for several variables (geographic location, days of the week, age and working
status) in order to assure representativeness of the data collected.
The main differences between rural and urban areas results from the building surveys and high-resolution
electricity consumption from smart meters for the Portuguese city of Évora are highlighted.

Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Giannakidis G.  2016.  Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools, April 11-15. AW4City - International World Wide Web Conference. , Montréal, Québec, Canada.