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De Miglio, R, Chiodi A, Simoes S, Long G, Pollard M, Gouveia JP, Gargiulo M, Giannakidis G.  2016.  New methodological approach for planning cities sustainable and resilient energy futures – the case of the InSMART project, 1-3 June. International Energy Workshop. , Ireland: University College Cork
Dias, L, Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Local Sustainable energy systems - the role of Times model. ETSAP Workshop on Sustainability Performance of the Energy Systems. , Madrid, Spain, 29th and 30th of May: CIEMAT
Dias, L, Simões S.  2016.  ) Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling for the city of Évora, 30-31 May . ETSAP Workshop . , Cork, Ireland
Dias, L, Gouveia J, Maurício B, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  The impact of Climate Change Mitigation Options on Air Pollutant Emissions in Portugal, 24 June. Semiannual ETSAP Meeting 2010. , Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Dias, L, Gouveia JP, Lourenço P, Seixas J.  2019.  Interplay between the potential of photovoltaic systems and agricultural land use. Land Use Policy . 81:725-735,doi:
Dias, L, Fortes P, Gouveia J, Seixas J.  2012.   Potencial de Eficiência Energética em Portugal para cenários de Longo Prazo, 22 June. PCEEE – Portugal em Conferência para uma Ecónomia Energéticamente Eficiente. , Coimbra, Portugal: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Dias, L., Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Integrative Energy Planning For Cities Low Carbon Futures: Modelling and Scenarios results, 8th February. 3rd Energy for Sustainability Conference. , Funchal, Portugal
Dias, L, Seixas J, Gouveia JP, Simões S.  2016.  Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling at city scale, 13-15 July . 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference . , Lisbon, Portugal