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Barbosa, J, Brás T, Seixas J.  2016.  The Sustainable Development Goals in a NEXUS perspective among the food trade market – focus on the EU agri-food import dependency, 21-22 Sep.. Fourth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
Barbosa, JP, Dias L.  2016.  Solar Power Deployment In Brazil – Testing Electric Vehicles As The Wheel To Promote Solar Power, 11-14 October . 11th ISES EuroSun Conference . , Palma Mallorca, Spain
Brás, T, Seixas J.  2017.  Assessing the impact of climate extremes and energy use in crop production – EU28 agri-food suppliers, 18-20 Sep.. Fifth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
van den Broek, M, Mesquita P, Carneiro J, Silva J, Berghout N, Ramirez A, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Cabal H, Martinez R, Rimi A, Boavida D, Tosato GC.  2012.  Region specific challenges of a CO2 pipeline infrastructure in the West Mediterranean area - Model results versus stakeholder views., 18-22 November. GHGT_11, on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan.