Meil, P, Stratigaki M, Linardos P, Tengblad P, Docherty P, Bannink D, Moniz A, Paulos M, Krings B, Nierling L.
Challenges for Europe under value chain restructuring: Contributions to policy debates. , Number
Meil, P, Stratigaki M, Linardos P, Tengblad P, Docherty P, Bannink D, Moniz A, Paulos M, Krings B, Nierling L.
{Challenges for Europe under value chain restructuring: Contributions to policy debates}. , Number
Valenduc, G, Vendramin P, Krings B, Nierling L.
{How restructuring is changing occupations? Case study evidence from knowledge-intensive, manufacturing and service occupations}, Dec , Number 67055: ZBW - German National Library of Economics
AbstractThis report is the final deliverable (D11.1) of the workpackage on occupational case studies of the WORKS project (WP11 – Qualitative research – Case studies on changes in work - Impacts on the individual and the household). In this workpackage, 30 occupational case studies were achieved in 14 countries, between June 2006 and May 2007; in total 246 in-depth individual interviews were carried out, according to common interview guidelines elaborated in May 2006, at the end of the workpackage on qualitative methods (WP6). These occupational case studies are closely related to the organisational case studies that were carried out in a selected number of business functions, during the same time span. In the WORKS project, business functions are at the core of qualitative empirical research, as they provide a relevant framework for analysis of value chain restructuring and changes in work. In order to study changes in work at the individual level, this report focuses on individual workers within occupational groups linked to key business functions. This link is justified in Chapter 2. Six occupational groups are considered in the report: designers in the clothing industry; researchers in information and communication technology; IT professionals in software services; production workers in food or clothing; logistics workers in food or clothing; front office employees in customer relationships in public services. In each occupational group, three to seven case studies were conducted an reported in different countries, covering a variety of socio-economic and institutional contexts. Each case study relies on seven to nine in-depth individual interviews, including a biographical dimension. In the first part of this report (Chapter 2), the research design and methodology are explained and justified. The key research questions are developed, as well as the concrete methodological choices and the practical organisation of the case studies. The second part of the report (Chapter
Nierling, L, Krings B.
{The impact of global forces on the individual: empirical evidence from the German clothing industry}, Aug. , Number 08/2010: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology
AbstractStarting from theoretical perspectives on globalisation, the following article analyses how current working conditions are affected by globalisation processes. For this purpose, recent developments in the German clothing sector are traced back to the power of economic globalisation processes. Characterising the German clothing sector as pioneer in economic globalisation, we use empirical findings to illustrate how current processes of globalisation influence the work place: At organisational level, corporate strategies aim at rationalisation, standardisation and flexibilisation of work in order to response to the economic pressure of global markets. At individual level these strategies, in turn, speed up working processes and intensify working processes for the employees. Although these developments form strong trends, we conclude that the local embeddedness of companies is still of high importance with regard to organisational and individual consequences of globalisation.