The Pages feature offers the ability to post miscellaneous web pages of your choice, sort of like a "blank canvas". Perhaps you would like to post your office hours, your departmental contact information, or a message to web site visitors.
Creating and Viewing Pages
To add a page, navigate to your home page and click on the "+ add new" button . From this screen, click the "Add Page" link and begin entering contents of your page.
You have the ability to create "Tags" or categories for every page. You can also use existing tags that you had created previously for other content. Visitors can also find specific pages by browsing the categories that you have selected for it. You also have the ability associate images or files with any page.
Pages do not appear publicly on your site automatically after saving. You can make the page publicly viewable by either:
1) Creating a menu link when saving or editing the page. The form to enter page information will also contain a field for you to enter a menu link. If you create a menu link for the page, the menu link will appear on your site. Subsequently, clicking on this menu link will display the page that you created.
2) Selecting the page as to appear on the front page in the Control Panel settings. Navigate to the Control Panel click on the "Settings" button. On the left column you will see a "Frontpage" link. The "Frontpage" section of Control Panel settings will allow you to specify a mode of front page designation.
You can view and manage announcements by navigating to the Control Panel and clicking on the "Content" button . On the left column you will see a "Page" link that will display a list of your announcements. Visitors can find specific announcements by browsing the category that you have selected for it.