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Book Chapter
João, Carlos, Ana Catarina Baptista, Isabel Ferreira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and João Paulo Borges. "Natural Nanofibres for Composite Applications." In Fibrous and Textile Materials for Composite Applications, edited by Sohel Rana and Raul Fangueiro, 261-299. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016. Abstract

Cellulose and chitin are the two most abundant natural polysaccharides. Both have a semicrystalline microfibrillar structure from which nanofibres can be extracted. These nanofibres are rod-like microcrystals that can be used as nanoscale reinforcements in composites due to their outstanding mechanical properties. This chapter starts by reviewing the sources, extraction methods and properties of cellulose and chitin nanofibres. Then, their use in the fabrication of structural and functional nanocomposites and the applications that have been investigated are reviewed. Nanocomposites are materials with internal nano-sized structures. They benefit from the properties of the nanofillers: low density, nonabrasive, nontoxic, low cost, susceptibility to chemical modifications and biodegradability. Diverse manufacturing technologies have been used to produce films, fibres, foams, sponges, aerogels, etc. Given their natural origin and high stiffness, these polymers have attracted a lot of attention not only in the biomedical and tissue engineering fields but also in areas such as pharmaceutics, cosmetics, agriculture, biosensors and water treatment.

Journal Article
Quirós, Jennifer, João Paulo Borges, Karina Boltes, Ismael Rodea-Palomares, and Roberto Rosal. "Antimicrobial electrospun silver-, copper- and zinc-doped polyvinylpyrrolidone nanofibers." Journal of Hazardous Materials 299 (2015): 298-305. AbstractWebsite

The use of electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) nanofibers containing silver, copper, and zinc nanoparticles was studied to prepare antimicrobial mats using silver and copper nitrates and zinc acetate as precursors. Silver became reduced during electrospinning and formed nanoparticles of several tens of nanometers. Silver nanoparticles and the insoluble forms of copper and zinc were dispersed using low molecular weight PVP as capping agent. High molecular weight PVP formed uniform fibers with a narrow distribution of diameters around 500 nm. The fibers were converted into an insoluble network using ultraviolet irradiation crosslinking. The efficiency of metal-loaded mats against the bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was tested for different metal loadings by measuring the inhibition of colony forming units and the staining with fluorescent probes for metabolic viability and compromised membranes. The assays included the culture in contact with mats and the direct staining of surface attached microorganisms. The results indicated a strong inhibition for silver-loaded fibers and the absence of significant amounts of viable but non-culturable microorganisms. Copper and zinc-loaded mats also decreased the metabolic activity and cell viability, although in a lesser extent. Metal-loaded fibers allowed the slow release of the soluble forms of the three metals.

Ropio, Inês, Ana Catarina Baptista, Joana Nobre, J. Correia, F. Belo, S. Taborda, Morais B. M. Faustino, João Borges Borges, A. Kovalenko, and Isabel Ferreira. "Cellulose paper functionalised with polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for paper battery electrodes." Organic Electronics 62 (2018): 530-535. AbstractWebsite

A simple process of commercial paper functionalisation via in situ polymerisation of conductive polymers onto cellulose fibres was investigated and applied as electrodes in paper-based batteries. The functionalisation involved polypyrrole (PPy) and Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) as conductive polymers with the process of functionalisation optimised for each polymer individually with respect to oxidant-to-monomer ratios and polymerisation times and temperature. Paper with conductivity values of 44 mS/cm was obtained by exposing the samples to pyrrole vapour for a period of 30 min at room temperature; however, polymerisation at temperatures of 40 °C lead to higher conductivity values to up 141 mS/cm. Consequently, functionalised PPy and PEDOT papers were applied as cathodes in batteries with Al foil anodes and commercial paper soaked in an electrolyte solution of NaCl.

Baptista, Ana Catarina, Inês Ropio, Beatriz Romba, Joana Nobre, Célia Henriques, Jorge Carvalho Silva, J. I. Martins, João Paulo Borges, and Isabel Ferreira. "Cellulose-based electrospun fibers functionalized with polypyrrole and polyaniline for fully organic batteries." Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018): 256-265. AbstractWebsite

A novel cellulose-based bio-battery made of electrospun fibers activated by biological fluids has been developed. This work reports a new concept for a fully organic bio-battery that takes advantage of the high surface to volume ratio achieved by an electrospun matrix composed of sub-micrometric fibers that acts simultaneously as the separator and the support of the electrodes. Polymer composites of polypyrrole (PPy) and polyaniline (PANI) with cellulose acetate (CA) electrospun matrix were produced by in situ chemical oxidation of pyrrole and aniline on the CA fibers. The structure (CA/PPy|CA|CA/PANI) generated a power density of 1.7 mW g−1 in the presence of simulated biological fluids, which is a new and significant contribution to the domain of medical batteries and fully organic devices for biomedical applications.

Cristovão, Ana Filipa, David Sousa, Filipe Silvestre, Inês Ropio, Ana Gaspar, Célia Henriques, Alexandre Velhinho, Ana Catarina Baptista, Miguel Faustino, and Isabel Ferreira. "Customized tracheal design using 3D printing of a polymer hydrogel: influence of UV laser cross-linking on mechanical properties." 3D Printing in Medicine 5 (2019): 12. AbstractWebsite

The use of 3D printing of hydrogels as a cell support in bio-printing of cartilage, organs and tissue has attracted much research interest. For cartilage applications, hydrogels as soft materials must show some degree of rigidity, which can be achieved by photo- or chemical polymerization. In this work, we combined chemical and UV laser polymeric cross-linkage to control the mechanical properties of 3D printed hydrogel blends. Since there are few studies on UV laser cross-linking combined with 3D printing of hydrogels, the work here reported offered many challenges.

Polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA), sodium alginate (SA) and calcium sulphate (CaSO4) polymer paste containing riboflavin (vitamin B2) and triethanolamine (TEOHA) as a biocompatible photoinitiator was printed in an extrusion 3D plotter using a coupled UV laser. The influence of the laser power on the mechanical properties of the printed samples was then examined in unconfined compression stress-strain tests of 1 × 1 × 1 cm3 sized samples. To evaluate the adhesion of the material between printed layers, compression measurements were performed along the parallel and perpendicular directions to the printing lines.

At a laser density of 70 mW/cm2, Young’s modulus was approximately 6 MPa up to a maximum compression of 20% in the elastic regime for both the parallel and perpendicular measurements. These values were within the range of biological cartilage values. Cytotoxicity tests performed with Vero cells confirmed the cytocompatibility.

We printed a partial tracheal model using optimized printing conditions and proved that the materials and methods developed may be useful for printing of organ models to support surgery or even to produce customized tracheal implants, after further optimization.

Soares, Paula I. P., Joana Romão, Ricardo Matos, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and João Paulo Borges. "Design and engineering of magneto-responsive devices for cancer theranostics: Nano to macro perspective." Progress in Materials Science 116 (2021): 100742. AbstractWebsite

Design, research, and development of new and improved smart multifunctional devices is one of the main topics in the advanced functional materials agenda for the next decade. Smart materials that can be triggered by external stimuli are seen with high potential for innovative treatments and improved drug delivery systems by regulatory agencies like the FDA and EMA. The incorporation of magnetic nanostructures into complex systems produces multifunctional devices that can be spatiotemporally controlled by an external magnetic field. These magneto-responsive devices can be used for a multitude of biomedical applications, from diagnostic to the treatment of tumors, and are actively being developed and tested for cancer theranostics. Herein, we review the development of magneto-responsive devices for cancer theranostics, starting from the most straightforward architecture, single nanoparticles. We give some theoretical concepts about the design and production of such systems while providing a critical review of applications in clinical practice. Naturally, the review evolves to more complex architectures, from one-dimensional to three-dimensional magneto-responsive systems, demonstrating higher complexity and multifunctionality, and consequently, higher interest for clinical practice. The review ends with the main challenges in the design and engineering of magneto-responsive devices for cancer theranostics and future trends in this biomedical field.

Ribeiro, Maximiano P., Ana Espiga, Daniela Silva, Patricia Baptista, Joaquim Henriques, Catarina Ferreira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, João Paulo Borges, Eduardo Pires, Paula Chaves, and Ilídio J. Correia. "Development of a new chitosan hydrogel for wound dressing." Wound repair and regeneration 17 (2009): 817-824. AbstractWebsite

Wound healing is a complex process involving an integrated response by many different cell types and growth factors in order to achieve rapid restoration of skin architecture and function. The present study evaluated the applicability of a chitosan hydrogel (CH) as a wound dressing. Scanning electron microscopy analysis was used to characterize CH morphology. Fibroblast cells isolated from rat skin were used to assess the cytotoxicity of the hydrogel. CH was able to promote cell adhesion and proliferation. Cell viability studies showed that the hydrogel and its degradation by-products are noncytotoxic. The evaluation of the applicability of CH in the treatment of dermal burns in Wistar rats was performed by induction of full-thickness transcutaneous dermal wounds. Wound healing was monitored through macroscopic and histological analysis. From macroscopic analysis, the wound beds of the animals treated with CH were considerably smaller than those of the controls. Histological analysis revealed lack of a reactive or a granulomatous inflammatory reaction in skin lesions with CH and the absence of pathological abnormalities in the organs obtained by necropsy, which supported the local and systemic histocompatibility of the biomaterial. The present results suggest that this biomaterial may aid the re-establishment of skin architecture.

dos Santos, Renato, Ângelo Rocha, Ana Matias, Catarina Duarte, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Nuno Lourenço, and João Paulo Borges. "Development of antimicrobial Ion Jelly fibers." RSC Advances 3 (2013): 24400-24405. Abstract

We report a method to obtain electrospun fibers based on ionic liquids and gelatin, exhibiting antimicrobial properties.

Raminhos, Joana, João Borges Borges, and Alexandre Velhinho. "Development of polymeric anepectic meshes: auxetic metamaterials with negative thermal expansion." Smart Materials and Structures 28 (2019): 045010. AbstractWebsite

his paper reports the application of additive manufacturing technology to fabricate bi-dimensional lightweight composite meshes capable of demonstrating auxetic properties (negative Poisson's ratio (NPR)) in combination with negative thermal expansion (NTE) behaviour, using as constituent materials polymers that do not exhibit NTE behaviour. To describe the combination of NPR and NTE characteristics, the designation of 'anepectic' is being proposed. Each mesh, obtained from varying either the material combination or the design parameters, was tested on a heated silicone bath to study the effects of the different combinations on the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). It was found that all meshes studied demonstrated a successful combination of NPR and NTE behaviours, and it was revealed that there is a possibility to tailor the meshes to activate the NTE behaviour within a chosen range of temperatures. For an extreme case, a Poisson's ratio of −0.056, along with a CTE of −1568 × 10−6 K−1 has been achieved.

Vieira, Tânia, Jorge Carvalho Silva, Botelho A. M. do Rego, João Borges Borges, and Célia Henriques. "Electrospun biodegradable chitosan based-poly(urethane urea) scaffolds for soft tissue engineering." Materials Science and Engineering: C 103 (2019): 109819. AbstractWebsite

The composition and architecture of a scaffold determine its supportive role in tissue regeneration. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining a porous electrospun fibrous structure from biodegradable polyurethanes (Pus) synthesized using polycaprolactone-diol as soft segment and, as chain extenders, chitosan (CS) and/or dimethylol propionic acid. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and proton nuclear magnetic resonance confirmed the syntheses. Fibre mats' properties were analysed and compared with those of solvent cast films. Scanning electron microscopy images of the electrospun scaffolds revealed fibres with diameters around 1 μm. From tensile tests, we found that Young's modulus increases with CS content and is higher for films (2.5 MPa to 6.5 MPa) than for the corresponding fibre mats (0.8 MPa to 3.2 MPa). The use of CS as the only chain extender improves recovery ratio and resilience. From X-ray diffraction, a higher crystalline degree was identified in fibre mats than in the corresponding films. Films' wettability was enhanced by the presence of CS as shown by the decrease of water contact angle. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that while ester groups are predominant at the films' surface, ester and urethanes are present in similar concentrations at fibres' surface, favouring the interaction with water molecules. Both films and fibres undergo hydrolytic degradation. In vitro evaluation was performed with human dermal fibroblasts. No PU sample revealed cytotoxicity. Cells adhered to fibre mats better than to films and proliferation was observed only for samples of CS-containing PUs. Results suggest that electrospun fibres of CS-based polyurethanes are good candidate scaffolds for soft tissue engineering.

Ramos, Diogo J., Henrique Carrêlo, João Paulo Borges, Nuria Calero Romero, Jenifer Santos Garcia, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "Injectable Hydrogels Based on Pluronic/Water Systems Filled with Alginate Microparticles for Biomedical Applications." Materials 12 (2019): 1-13. AbstractWebsite

A (model) composite system for drug delivery was developed based on a thermoresponsive hydrogel loaded with microparticles. We used Pluronic F127 hydrogel as the continuous phase and alginate microparticles as the dispersed phase of this composite system. It is well known that Pluronic F127 forms a gel when added to water in an appropriate concentration and in a certain temperature range. Pluronic F127 hydrogel may be loaded with drug and injected, in its sol state, to act as a drug delivery system in physiological environment. A rheological characterization allowed the most appropriate concentration of Pluronic F127 (15.5 wt%) and appropriate alginate microparticles contents (5 and 10 wt%) to be determined. Methylene blue (MB) was used as model drug to perform drug release studies in MB loaded Pluronic hydrogel and in MB loaded alginate microparticles/Pluronic hydrogel composite system. The latter showed a significantly slower MB release than the former (10 times), suggesting its potential in the development of dual cargo release systems either for drug delivery or tissue engineering.

Cidade, Maria Teresa, Diogo J. Ramos, Jenifer Santos, Núria Calero, J. Muñoz, and João Paulo Borges. "Injectable hydrogels based on pluronic/water systems filled with alginate microparticles: Rheological characterization." Publisher Logo Conference Proceedings 1981 (2018): 020091. AbstractWebsite

In this paper the rheological characterization of Pluronic/water systems filled with alginate microparticles is presented. The rheological characterization of the Pluronic/water systems allowed for the choice of the best Pluronic concentration taking into account its applications as injectable hydrogels for tissue repair. The effect on the rheological behavior of the addition of alginate microparticles, to be loaded with the drug, was analyzed and the maximum concentration of microparticles determined.

Gavinho, Sílvia R., Pedro R. Prezas, Diogo J. Ramos, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, João Borges Borges, Carmo M. Lança, Jorge Carvalho Silva, Célia Henriques, Eduardo Pires, Jakka Suresh Kumar, and Manuel P. Graça. "Nontoxic glasses: Preparation, structural, electrical and biological properties." Applied Ceramics Technology 16 (2019): 1885-1894. AbstractWebsite

Bacterial infections affect about 1 in 5 patients who receive a dental implant within 5 years of surgery. To avoid the implant rejection it is necessary for the development of innovative biomaterials, with addition or substitution of the ions, for implant coatings that promote a strong bond with the new host bone and antibacterial action. The objective of this work was to synthesize a bioactive glass with different silver concentrations to evaluate their antibacterial performance. The glasses were synthesized with up to 2% silver content by melt-quenching. Structural, morphological, biological, and electrical properties of all samples were studied. The biological behavior was evaluated through cytotoxicity tests and antibacterial activity. The structural analysis shows that the introduction of silver do not promote significant changes, not altering the advantageous properties of the bioglass of the bioglass. It was verified that the glasses with a silver content from 0.5% to 2%, completely prevented the growth of both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli while being nontoxic toward mammalian cells. Therefore, these bioglasses are promising materials to be used in the production of dental implants with antimicrobial activity.

Echeverria, Coro, Paula I. P. Soares, Ana Robalo, Laura Pereira, Carlos Novo, Isabel Ferreira, and João Paulo Borges. "One-pot synthesis of dual-stimuli responsive hybrid PNIPAAm-chitosan microgels." Materials & Design 86 (2015): 745-751. AbstractWebsite

The incorporation of magnetic nanoparticles into poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and chitosan microgels gives rise to hybrid systems that combine the microgels swelling capacity with the interesting features presented in magnetic nanoparticles. The presence of chitosan that act as surfactant for magnetic nanoparticles provides a simplistic approach which allows the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles without any previous surface modification. Spherical and highly monodisperse microgels with diameters in the range of 200 to 500 nm were obtained. The encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles in the polymer matrix was confirmed by high resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy in transmission mode. Volume phase transition of the microgels was accessed by Dynamic Light Scattering measurements. It was observed that the thermosensitivity of the PNIPAM microgels still persists in the hybrid microgels; however, the swelling ability is compromised in the microgels with highest chitosan content. The heating performance of the hybrid magnetic microgels, when submitted to an alternating magnetic field, was also evaluated demonstrating the potential of these systems for hyperthermia treatments.

Mano, Francisca, Marta Martins, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Susana Barreiros, João Paulo Borges, Rui Reis, Ana Rita Duarte, and Alexandre Paiva. "Production of Electrospun Fast-Dissolving Drug Delivery Systems with Therapeutic Eutectic Systems Encapsulated in Gelatin." AAPS PharmSciTech 18 (2017): 2579-2585. AbstractWebsite

Fast-dissolving delivery systems (FDDS) have received increasing attention in the last years. Oral drug delivery is still the preferred route for the administration of pharmaceutical ingredients. Nevertheless, some patients, e.g. children or elderly people, have difficulties in swallowing solid tablets. In this work, gelatin membranes were produced by electrospinning, containing an encapsulated therapeutic deep-eutectic solvent (THEDES) composed by choline chloride/mandelic acid, in a 1:2 molar ratio. A gelatin solution (30% w/v) with 2% (v/v) of THEDES was used to produce electrospun fibers and the experimental parameters were optimized. Due to the high surface area of polymer fibers, this type of construct has wide applicability. With no cytotoxicity effect, and showing a fast-dissolving release profile in PBS, the gelatin fibers with encapsulated THEDES seem to have promising applications in the development of new drug delivery systems.

Mano, Francisca, Ivo Aroso, Susana Barreiros, João Paulo Borges, Rui Reis, Ana Rita Duarte, and Alexandre Paiva. "Production of Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) Fibers with Encapsulated Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NADES) Using Electrospinning." ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 3 (2015): 2504-2509. AbstractWebsite

Functionalized electrospun fibers are of great interest for biomedical applications such as in the design of drug delivery systems. Nevertheless, in some cases the molecules of interest have poor solubility in water or have high melting temperatures. These drawbacks can be overcome using deep eutectic solvents. In this work, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), a common biodegradable biopolymer, was used to produce new functionalized fibers with the eutectic mixture choline chloride:citric acid in a molar ratio of (1:1) ChCl:CA (1:1), which was used as a model system. Fibers were produced from an aqueous solution with 7.8% (w/v) and 9.8% (w/v) of 95% hydrolyzed PVA and a 2% (v/v) of ChCl:CA (1:1). Smooth, uniform fibers with an average diameter of 0.4 μm were obtained with a content of 19.8 wt % of ChCl:CA (1:1) encapsulated.